
Cire Legon (deceased)

Cire Legon was a Sorcerer sent by an intergalactic agency known as the Sorcerer's Guild to eliminate the threat of Ultimecia. Only 17, Cire Legon was killed at Ultimecia's hands when she used the Astral Miracle, causing an meteor to go through his chest and injure his heart. He came from the planet of Earth, and was never able to return there despite the fact that he missed his homeworld dearly. Cire entrusted his power to Setsuna, and then departed this mortal coil. His death was in vain, for his efforts to delay Ultimecia and her control of his friends didn't work.


(If you're wondering why I killed off Cire, its mostly because the character didn't work out. Cire's personality was designed around his power, which I gave him way too much of. Even though I decreased his power by removing his materia, he was still a little too powerful, what with being able to use magic from FF4, 6, Tactics, and the anime series Slayers. I considered having his Sorcerer power removed, but then it would leave a character with no specialty, and with too LITTLE power. So, it seemed no matter what, Cire wasn't going to work out the way I wanted. Oh well. FF8 needed a death anyway. (Hey, every other FF game had one.) Now Cire has joined the memories of Tellah, General Leo, Aeris, and Delita's sister... whatever her name was. Too bad I don't have a really sweet song made up for Cire's death. After all, Aeris got one. I've left the picture and song of Cire to act as a little shrine. Matron Europa, could you please leave the link to Cire's page up just until this adventure is over? I'd be grateful. Thanx.)


Cire's Normal Form, with Ether Gun.

Cire's Sorcerer Form.